Friday, May 05, 2006

Kena tagged....long long overdue

I kena tagged by Chanel since January.....(sorry huh)'s the homework for submission....

4 jobs you have in life
1. Nursery teacher (during uni break)
2. Secretary (during uni break)
3. Hotelier (Corporate Communication - first job)
4. Advertising and promotion - Bank (now)

4 movies u would watch over and over
1. Forest Gump
2. The Sound of Music
3. Totoro (Jap cartoon)
4. .....Can't think of it now....

4 places you've lived
1. Melaka (birth place + hometown)
2. Singapore (for 2 months - consider? almost work there)
3. KL/PJ (uni and now)
4. Nil

4 TV shows you love(d) to watch
1. Naked chef (or any cooking show)
2. Ghost whisperer
3. Cantonese series (but not much time to spare these days)
4. any DIY shows (not the macho kind but more for origami, deco, beads etc)

4 Places you've been on vacation to:
1. Thailand (hubby's company trip)
2. Japan - Tokyo (2 weeks, uni sponsored)
3. London
4. Eastern Europe (honeymoon)

4 Places you would rather be:
1. Home
2. Mommy's house (hometown)
3. Austria/Switzerland (not that I kacang lupakan kulit but this is the place that I love and don't mind going over and over again)
4. Ikea restaurant (I find it very cosy and baby friendly....)

4 of your favourate foods
1. Anything whitish and creamy looking (say me freak but I hv this habit since young...i even go for indian dessert which is white and milky)
2. Japanese (esp Salmon sashimi!)
3. Mommy's cooking
4. Italian

4 of your favourite beverages
1. Fresh juices
2. Iced Chocolate (with thick choc and scoop of ice cream)
3. Green tea
4. Yakult or any yoghurt drink

4 websites you visit daily
1. Gmail
2. Group discussion + any blogs that prompted me
3. Nil....sad lah, these days really too tight up with work....come to think of it, must catch up soon....
4. Nil....

4 tagged (Dunno if they kena tagged b4...)
1. Michelle
2. Hui Sia
3. Sabrina
4. Jefference

Ok? Late better than never hoh.....


Anonymous said...

wah...really long overdue more lah, photos and few words oso good mah :)

vichelle said...

haha, yes, i m trying very hard to 'tune' back to old days where i can hv more time to surf....hehe.

Anonymous said...

Wah, this tag sure is long long long overdued. Heehee, better late than never lor hoh?

Have been reading ur blog for quite sometime until u went MIA. Saw ur blog was updated in Jazzmint's blog. Hope to read and see more of ur updated blog esp. about ur soooooo cute Joo.

vichelle said...

hi tracy, i m not so familiar with the site...m still learning how to link other ppl's blog to my page...dunno how yet.
how do u know if someone has updated her blog and also how do u know if there's a comment made?

Anonymous said...

Oops, so sorry to tell u dat I don't know how to use the 'updated' feature, heehee *blush*. Saw the 'updated' word besides ur link in Jazz's. This, u have to ask the EXPERTS like Jazz.

For the comments, u can go to blogger dashboard (, under change settings, click on comments, scroll down, under comments notification address, type in ur email address, dat's it. So, whenever there's a reply, u'll be notified thru ur email address.

As for the links, I can see dat u have a few links oredi.

Hope u got what I've written. If not, u better consult the EXPERTS. I'm a half-past-six 'teacher'. *tongue out*

chanelwong said...

don't worry, we are still learning. I want to learn to create folder to file but no time...

Anonymous said...

Oh ya, forget to tell u to take note of ur time. When u have finished writing ur post, scroll down till u see "Post and Comment Option", click on the arrow. U can change ur time and date of posting there. (Cos my comment was posted in the afternoon but it showed 12.25 am)

Anonymous said...

Nice reading your updated blog! :-)

Anonymous said...

ppsstttt! You've been tagged again! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh..oh,kena tagged again!
Welcome back, long time no see!!

vichelle said...

sharon, I baru finished one and as I scrolled your blog, I found another one!

vichelle said...

Tracy, mana ada links? I got no link lah under my page....

bZbee said...

i thot i was the only one figuring things out on my own..hihi..seems like everyday is a lesson to all moms!!